Results for 'F. B. Fukui'

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  1.  33
    La Chine et Le Japan.H. G., C. Godard & F. B. Fukui - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):368.
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    Artigos de Revistas sobre Kant.B. F. - 1988 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 44 (4):567 - 598.
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  3. A Free but Modest Censure on the Late Controversial Writings and Debates of the Lord Bishop of Vvorcester and Mr. Locke: Mr. Edwards and Mr. Locke: The Honble Charles Boyle, Esq; and Dr. Bently. Together with Brief Remarks on Monsieur le Clerc's Ars Critica. By F.B. M.A. Of Cambridg.B. F. - 1698 - Printed for A. Baldwin in Warwick-Lane.
  4. Studies in the Psychology of Touch.F. B. Dresslar - 1894 - Philosophical Review 3:737.
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  5. A System of Combinatory Logic.F. B. FITCH - 1960
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    On the Infinitive after Expressions of Fearing in Greek.F. B. Tarbell - 1891 - American Journal of Philology 12 (1):70.
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    Philosophy: What is It?F. B. Jevons - 1914 - New York,: Cambridge University Press.
    First published in 1914, this volume by F. B. Jevons was designed as a response to the simple question: What is philosophy? Consisting of five separate lectures, the work throws light on the themes of philosophy and science, materialism and idealism, scepticism, practical philosophy, and the notion of the whole and its parts. The aim of the study was not simply to provide an answer to the question in the title, but to bring out the meaning of the question itself (...)
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    Die Kunst des Uebersetzens fremdsprachlicher Dichtungen ins Deutsche.F. B. G. & Tycho Mommsen - 1887 - American Journal of Philology 8 (2):231.
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    P. Nitsche, „Nicht an die Griechen glaube ich, Sondern an Christus": Russen und Griechen im Selbstverständnis des Moskauer Staates an der Schwelle zur Neuzeit.F. B. Poljakov - 1992 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 84-85 (1-2):121-122.
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  10. (1 other version)Friedrich Eduard Beneke.F. B. Brandt - 1895 - The Monist 6:146.
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  11. Philosophy : What is it?F. B. Jevons - 1916 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 81:395-396.
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    (1 other version)Personality.F. B. Jevons - 1913 - International Journal of Ethics 24 (2):234-234.
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  13. The visual sensory system: Anatomy, physiology, and topographic diagnosis.F. B. Walsh & W. F. Hoyt - 1969 - In P. J. Vinken & G. W. Bruyn, Handbook of Clinical Neurology. North Holland. pp. 2--506.
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    Greek Cults and Myths.F. B. Jevons - 1888 - The Classical Review 2 (1-2):1-9.
    Die Grieckischen Culten und Mythen in ihren Beziehungen zu den Orientalischen Religionen. Von O. Gruppe. Erster Band: Einleitung. Leipzig: Teubner. 1887. 14 Mk.
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    Personality.F. B. Jevons - 1913 - New York,: Routledge.
    First published in 1913, Jevons’ Personality marries the disciplines of philosophy and psychology in order to question the existence of personality and the arguments surrounding it. Intriguingly, Jevons suggests that if a person can question their own personality and existence, by extension they can also question the personality and existence of God. The book is arranged into four chapters based on a series of lectures delivered in Oxford in 1912: these discuss such areas as the relationship between science, psychology, and (...)
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    Evolution.F. B. Jevons - 1900 - London,: Routledge.
    First published in 1900, this philosophical essay on Evolution questions how the acceptance of Evolution as scientific should influence the thoughts and actions of humankind from the perspective of morality and moral conduct. In his discussion, Frank B. Jevons deals with such subjects as pessimism and optimism towards evolutionary theory, the laws of motion and matter, and the importance of scientific evidence.
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  17. To the Greater Glory: A Psychological Study of Ignatian Spirituality (WW Meissner).F. B. Knox - 2003 - Heythrop Journal 44 (3):379-380.
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    Remembering Bert Dreyfus.F. B. A. Harry Collins - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (2):373-376.
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    Chapters on English Metre.F. B. G. & Joseph B. Mayor - 1887 - American Journal of Philology 8 (2):232.
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    A note on mr. Demos' note on Plato on moral principles.F. B. Graham - 1969 - Mind 78 (312):596-597.
  21.  22
    Pablo y la retrospectiva de Agustín sobre sí mismo: relevancia de la" epistula XXII".F. B. A. Asiedu - 2002 - Augustinus 47 (184-185):41-66.
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    Irrigation on the orange river.F. B. Parkinson - 1903 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 14 (1):76-78.
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    Scholia in Euripidem. Ed. Eduardus Schwartz. Vol. II. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1891. Price 9 Marks.F. B. Tarbell - 1892 - The Classical Review 6 (03):119-120.
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    The Purpose of Philosophy.F. B. Jevons - 1926 - Humana Mente 1 (1):69-77.
    Plato, in one of his dialogues, says: “ The feeling of wonder is the genuine mark of the philosopher; for philosophy has its origin in wonder.” What Plato here says may be accepted as true: the philosopher does wonder. But the philosopher is not the only man who wonders about things. It might perhaps be going too far to say that all men experience the feeling, for some men seem to plod on their weary round without curiosity enough to wonder (...)
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    Números monográficos de Revistas.B. F. - 1986 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 42 (1/2):180 - 210.
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    Étienne Gilson (1881-1978).B. F. - 1979 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 35 (1):214 - 221.
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    Phenomenology and the Paradox of Truth.F. B. McCluskey - 1980 - Philosophy Today 24 (2):133-145.
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    Indo-European Modes of Orientation.F. B. Jevons - 1896 - The Classical Review 10 (01):22-23.
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  29. Nachlese zum''Novum Auctarium BHG''.F. B. Poljakov - 1988 - Byzantion 58 (1):181-187.
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    The puritanic philosophy and Jonathan Edwards.F. B. Sanborn - 1883 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 17 (4):401 - 421.
  31.  42
    Illocutionary acts and the uncanny: On Nicholas Wolterstorff's idea of divine discourse.F. B. A. Asiedu - 2001 - Heythrop Journal 42 (3):283–310.
    Nicholas Wolterstorff's Divine Discourse attempts to give philosophical warrant to the claim that ‘God speaks’. While Wolterstorff's argument depends largely on his appropriation of J.L. Austin's speech act theory, he also uses two narratives that for him demonstrate how ‘God speaks’. The first is the story of Augustine's conversion in the Confessions and the second is a story that Wolterstorff recounts about a certain ‘Virginia’. This study argues that what Wolterstorff claims to derive from Augustine's narrative for his view of (...)
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  32. F. C. S. Schiller, Humanism: Philosophical Essays. [REVIEW]F. B. Jevons - 1903 - Hibbert Journal 2:621.
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  33. F. Max Müller, The Silesian Horseherd. [REVIEW]F. B. Jevons - 1903 - Hibbert Journal 2:403.
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    Rado T.. On non-computable functions. The Bell System technical journal, vol. 41 , pp. 877–884.F. B. Cannonito - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (4):524-524.
  35. Neurobiology of learning.F. B. Rattoni, M. Escobar, K. Pawlik & M. Rosenzweig - 2000 - In Kurt Pawlik & Mark R. Rosenzweig, International Handbook of Psychology. Sage Publications. pp. 629.
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    II.—Sir Rabindranath Tagore: Poet and Philosopher.F. B. Jevons - 1919 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 19 (1):30-45.
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    VII.—Timelessness.F. B. Jevons - 1906 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 6 (1):206-223.
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    Plastic instabilities with propagating deformation bands in Cu–Al alloys.F. B. Klose, J. Weidenmüller, A. Ziegenbein, P. Hähner & H. Neuhäuser § - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (3-5):467-480.
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    The Elusive Face of Modern Platonism.F. B. A. Asiedu - 2002 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 76 (3):393-410.
    Iris Murdoch’s Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals ranges wide over the field of Western philosophical thought. Throughout the work, Murdoch proposes and enacts a form of philosophical inquiry that she believes supports a moral philosophy based on the idea of the good. One of her attempts, partly inspired by Paul Tillich and J. N. Findlay, centers on her critique and appropriation of the structure of the so-called “ontological argument” in Anselm’s Proslogion. This study assesses Murdoch’s accomplishment and the tenability (...)
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    The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 73, No 3.F. B. D'agostino - 1975
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  41. On the Pressure Sense of the Drum of the Ear and Facial Vision.F. B. Dresslar - 1894 - Philosophical Review 3:228.
  42.  10
    Council Meeting of the History of Science Society.B. F. - 1930 - Isis 14:6-7.
  43.  12
    El Hortensius de Cicerón, la «filosofía» y la vida mundana del joven Agustín.F. B. A. Asiedu - 2000 - Augustinus 45 (176-77):5-25.
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    Max Weber’s Vision of History. [REVIEW]B. F. - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (3):647-648.
    Six essays by two authors which deal with several facets of Weber’s work. Wolfgang Schluchter’s two longer pieces begin the collection: the first on the concept of rationalization, the second on the well-worn issue of value neutrality. Guenther Roth’s four essays are shorter: the first applying the concept of a charismatic community to contemporary counter-culture groups, the second examining the counter-culture in terms of the concept of religious virtuosi, the third comparing Fernand Braudel’s history of the longue durée with Weber’s (...)
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    Analysis of 'X could have acted otherwise'.F. B. Buckley - 1956 - Philosophical Studies 7 (5):69 - 74.
  46. Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling. [REVIEW]F. B. C. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (2):400-400.
    The present volume contains Part Four, "The Great Shift," of Susanne Langer’s projected six-part magnum opus entitled, Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling. The first volume dealt with three parts: "Problems and Principles," "The Import of Art," and "Natura Naturans;" Volume II rests squarely on these three foundational parts. The balance of the work will be concerned with "The Moral Structure," and with "Knowledge and Truth." In this reviewer’s opinion, Professor Langer’s essay is easily the most significant theory of mind (...)
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    Phenomenology and Analytical Philosophy. [REVIEW]F. B. C. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (4):768-769.
    Van Peursen’s book is an authorized translation and is published under the auspices of the Duquesne Philosophical Series. The purpose of the work is to effect a rapprochement between two of today’s most notable approaches to philosophy: phenomenology and linguistic analysis. These respective philosophical methods are frequently looked upon as two of the conspicuous polar trends within contemporary philosophy, and the author arranges their confrontation in such a way that their most fundamental convergencies and divergencies are revealed. The original phase (...)
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    Die Indogermanen- und Germanen-Frage. [REVIEW]F. B. Steiner - 1937 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 6 (2):472-473.
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    New Dialogue with Anglo-American Philosophy. [REVIEW]F. B. C. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (4):773-774.
    Etienne Gilson once remarked that if philosophers cannot agree about the nature or meaning of being, they will in all likelihood agree about very little else. This observation is certainly applicable to Professor Webster’s putative "dialogue" with Anglo-American philosophy on the problem of being, rational thought and natural theology. He contends that a genuinely fundamental interpretation of scientism, logicism or linguisticism necessitates a philosophical strategy based on unity as a transcendental which is accessible to logic. This initial confrontation leads to (...)
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    Human and other natures.F. B. M. de Waal, A. Whiten, J. Goodall, W. C. McGrew, T. Nishida, V. Reynolds, Y. Sugiyama & C. E. G. Tutin - 2000 - In Leonard D. Katz, Evolutionary Origins of Morality: Cross Disciplinary Perspectives. Imprint Academic. pp. 62.
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